Fifty Five Years Ago: Lost In Space Debuts
When Lost In Space debuted on CBS on September 15, 1965, I was four years old. I can't say I have a clear recollection of having watched it from the start -- it's entirely possible I came in a little while later and caught up on the earlier episodes during summer reruns. We were still living up in Rhode Island, in military base housing, that September when the show started. All of my clear recollections of the show were from once we were in Levittown, PA, in our first (and as it turned out last) family home, where we moved the following June. There was much about the show (and this only became increasingly so) that was geared toward a young audience. Goofiness and flash and occasionally mawkishnes that had I been a little older and self-conscious possibly would have put me off. The timing was what it was, though, and I was an unashamed fan, despite how most of the aliens were either wearing green or silver body paint, historical costumes from the prop department, or ...