While for the most part I'm comfortable with transitioning to a digital collection for comics -- having sold off my collection of side-stapled comics years ago -- between gifts and bargain-hunting 2020 into 2021 has seen me slowly building a collection of Marvel Omnibus editions. These collect long runs of series, with associated tie-ins, along with letters pages, as, depending on the era, they often contained fuller explanations of events in earlier issues as part of the back-and-forth with letter-writing fans. My preference would have been for them to include the Bullpen Bulletins pages, too, as they also contained a great deal of history. But, they made the format decision they did, so they are what they are. Will this turn out to be an impulse I'll regret? Hopefully not. While I hope to get to them sooner, I like to think that I'll be able to spend as much time as I want with t...