
Showing posts from May, 2008
Speaks for itself.
Secrets In the Earth Here's an interesting, newfound puzzle . My thoughts initially ran between a concrete grave marker for one or two family pets (depending on whether or not Fluff and Coomp were two different pets or two names for the same pet, as sometimes happens in a household) that the kids were allowed to inscribe, or it's a club treasure trove sealed securely years back and perhaps all but forgotten as some or all of the kids moved away. Right or wrong, that's what I passed along to the gent. Subsequently, I realized that the part that doesn't fit for me is the space in the middle. Now it's looking more like an inscribed foundation for something that was subsequently removed from the base. If the base was poured at one time and then something else grouted/mortared to it later (and there's definitely signs of that), that grout/mortar likely would have remained the weak link. If nothing is found beneath the "marker" then it most likely was ju...
The Challenge This first came my way yesterday via one friend and today via a political group, so I thought I'd pass along the Bush-McCain Challenge . A quick quiz to give you a taste of what to expect should we be saddled with President McCain.
Iron Man Weekend Almost here for me. I likely won't get out to see it until sometime Saturday - making a round of several comics shops for Free Comic Book Day to get, among other things, the free Iron Man Heroclix piece - and making a family visit along the way. All reports thusfar have been positive, though, for this first of a slate of films Marvel's developing under a wonderfully protected $525 million fund they established three years ago , finally beginning to bear fruit. The movie reportedly cost $150 million for production and $75 million in promotions, so there's a big chunk to overcome up front, but so far it seems poised to take it. A co-worker saw it last night (they started showing it as early as 9pm Thursday, making me wish I'd checked -- I'd presumed that a midnight showing would be the first) and gave a positive report. I'm sure I'll have something to say about it by late Saturday.
Image Thanks to Darren for tipping me off to married to the sea . Since Tony already ran the one in the bunch that caught my eye early on as I started to work backwards through the archives, I went with the one above, which was one of many to get a good laugh out of me. As who knows how many Indiana Republicans are going to wade into the Primary next Tuesday to vote for Hillary so that McCain can potentially steamroll her come November... Feh. Listening to Governor Mitch Daniels chuckle about how some of them might just want to have some fun" found me nearly loathing the man. (It's near the end of a 5 minute interview found here .) I find it difficult to believe it would strike him as so whimsical were it the GOP candidates locked in what's really proving to be a destructive struggle, and Al Franken was advising Democrats to vote for the candidate who has 15 years or more of deep-set demonization (deserved or not) caked on him.