Married To The Sea

Thanks to Darren for tipping me off to married to the sea. Since Tony already ran the one in the bunch that caught my eye early on as I started to work backwards through the archives, I went with the one above, which was one of many to get a good laugh out of me.

As who knows how many Indiana Republicans are going to wade into the Primary next Tuesday to vote for Hillary so that McCain can potentially steamroll her come November... Feh.

Listening to Governor Mitch Daniels chuckle about how some of them might just want to have some fun" found me nearly loathing the man. (It's near the end of a 5 minute interview found here.) I find it difficult to believe it would strike him as so whimsical were it the GOP candidates locked in what's really proving to be a destructive struggle, and Al Franken was advising Democrats to vote for the candidate who has 15 years or more of deep-set demonization (deserved or not) caked on him.


Drunkasaurus said…
Thank yyou

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