Bids & Pieces

Email from eBay this morning informs me of price increases that will be going into effect starting midnight, February 18th. They currently hit sellers up for 5.25% of the closing value on items that sell between $.01 and $25, plus 3.75% for the portion between $25.01 and $1,000. The new rate will be a hefty jump to 8% on that base amount and a near doubling of the next level to 5%. There are other changes, but that’s the core set of changes I’m concerned with.

This may be the extra fire I needed under me to get that long-overdue new round of auctions up and running soon. Heroclix items will be the focus, but I might also put up comics for the first time in several years, and perhaps some other things. Making the selections, doing some set-up between now and the 21st, and running a wall of auctions starting either that night or on the 22nd -- that's the loose plan. Updates and general self-promotion will increase as the kick-off date approaches and certainly once items go up. I’ll want it all to go up in one night and finish the same time one week later, so I can make a tidier show of it than I did last time, when I had them spread out over a span of 8 or 9 days.


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