It takes a special breed to practice law sometimes...

Consider Guy Womack, part of whose defense of Charles Graner yesterday was that having the prisoners in Abu Ghraib form naked pyramids was not only a valid form of prisoner control, but that it couldn't be considered torture because cheerleaders do it several times a year. (We must, however reluctantly, set aside the desire to know where counselor Womack went to school where the cheerleaders performed naked -- hell, I'd have attended games and I can't stand watching football.) I hear this sort of argument in a courtroom and I have to wonder if the lawyer's already a demon or if this is where they come from. That Abu Ghraib's self-appointed recreation director, Graner, is also father of Lynndie England's child has me thinking perhaps the child should be quietly under observation as he grows up.

My favorite comment on this was from a Fark thread, where someone going by the name Pooter wrote: "Holy crap - Lynndie had this guy's kid? It's like they had their own private Caligula fantasy camp over there!"


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