This could lead to a new stanza for his "No No" song...
(...though I just found out that Hoyt Axton wrote that song...)

Stan Lee & Ringo Starr are getting together to turn Ringo into an animated, reluctant superperhero.

As much as anything else I was surprised to find out that Pow! Entertainment was still in business, having thought it sunk beneath the fiscal waves several years ago. A quick search, though, found that just before Christmas he was touting another reality-to-fiction comics property.

Of course, if the judge's ruling last week stating that Marvel owes a huge sum of film profit money to Stan due to an earlier contract holds up under appeal, it won't be as if Stan or his heirs will need to worry about any of these other things turning a profit. POW! Shareholders, however, may have reason for some concern. (Tammy spotted the central link for this one, too, so it was waiting for me in my mailbox when I'd finished posting it.)


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