Feel the Sunshine

Jeb Bush -- I guess shortly before his publicly-funded lip-biting and building of the pre-presidential resume' tour of tsunami-ravaged regions -- pushed an expansion of funding for faith-based programs despite ongoing court battles.
"The plan boils down to something like dumping the poor on the church steps one day, leaving a small bag of money there the next day and praying the two of them get together," said Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State of Washington, D.C.
Meanwhile, perhaps the argument against more secular stewardship of people in the Sunshine State should be cautioned against, given the mortality rate for recent arrests in Jacksonville. Okay, that first one, where the guy suffered a broken neck while struggling with officers was one thing. The guy who died of a mix of cocaine and stress while sitting in a restraint chair, well, okay, sure I can see that. But the latest guy, upon being "asked to come out of his Duval County jail cell for fingerprinting" just "collapsed." (I tell you, you just can't make something like that up. I swear on a stack of Bibles and the Confederate flag you can't!)

"The preliminary investigation shows no altercation with correctional personnel or any other inmate. He was isolated when he collapsed."

Why, that's just eerie. Inexplicable - why, sure as shootin', that's what that is. Someone, get Kolchak in on this! It looks as if we have a vengeful poltergeist or a Haitiian voodoo curse on our hands!

(Thanks to Tammy for reflecting the the sunbeams up my way, btw.)


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