Snow way

Though the forecast altered within the past 24 hours -- they dropped thoughts of a secondary low pressure zone forming just off the coast -- here in Eagleville we're expecting between 10 and 15 inches of snow between midday tomorrow and sometime Sunday morning. People in some parts of the country (especially the mid-West, not to mention the intense cold that's been going on farther North) will just laugh at that -- all the moreso when I mention that save for the two inches we pulled a day and a half ago this will be the first snow of the season for us. Still, I've been looking forward to it in some respects. I'll admit some disappointment in learning that that secondary system, that would have extended the storm through Sunday and into some undetermined amount of Monday, has apparently failed. I was hoping for a legitimate stretch into a three day weekend.

Locally, with Eagles fever burning among the faithful, the forecasts have been quickly followed with "how will this affect the Eagles/Falcons NFC championship game on Sunday at Lincoln Financial stadium?" I don't give a damn, but the chatter's almost inescapable around here with the the team having made it this far into the playoff process. If you happen to be going, be sure to not only bring enough things to keep you warm (Sunday's high is supposed to be 21 degrees), but bring some piece of scrap cloth along with you to wipe down the seats. I saw on the news how they have crews trying to "winterize" the seats by sprinkling salt everywhere. Depending on what they're using that could be rough on people's clothes.

It's heading for 11pm and we're standing at 10 degrees F outside -- and it'll be whatever it says it is at that link when you click it. We're warm in here, though, and I've laid in enough food and drink for a week, so we have plenty to choose from. So long as the power and cable lines hold true, I should be able to enjoy it.

Tonight's been dinner, sci fi tv (Enterprise on UPN, which was predictable but good, and now an episode of Battlestar Galactica, which appears to be holding up) and email, all merging freely. I have some work to do around the place soon, but in general I'm relaxing my way into the weekend. How about you?


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