"Death To America!" -- Soon to be
enriched with nukes?

Ah, Iran's wonderful parliament is at it again, they unanimously passed an outline of a bill that would require the government to resume uranium enrichment, capped off by several of their more exciteable members shouting a familiar rallying cry for our death.

Of course, this may be their version of Big Stick diplomacy, realizing that they need to do this in order to be taken seriously. There are negotiations ongoing, after all, and this could largely be their way of getting the best possible set of concessions in their negotiations with the European states. The next stage is November 25th, at a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Europeans are already offering to simply supply the Iranians with enriched nuclear fuel (for power plants) if the Iranians will agree to not build more enrichment facilities of their own. It could simply be the art of the deal, spiced dramatically by some of the true, fanatical hardlines. Still, they'd have a better chance convincing the US there's something to negotiate if they'd quell that stirring battle cry.

On the encouraging side, I have strong indications that a great many Iranians - the bright, young, educated and worldly section of the population - are no more intellectually represented by the loons in Parliament than, well, I am as a Pennsylvanian by Rick Santorum. Still, with rhetoric such as this I wouldn't be surprised to learn of air strikes on key Iranian facilities by Israel and/or the US somewhere in the next couple years.


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