Strange Shakes and Lumpy Carpets

I'm generally not someone who follows the latest sensationalized homicides. I'm married to someone who tends to put on too many programs of the real life police and/or medical emergency sorts -- Depression TV -- so I generally flee any of the same. Still, there are times when something will pop up that has enough strange or darkly amusing elements that it catches my attention for a few minutes. Or maybe it's just a Sunday afternoon, "I've got some cleaning to do" impulse. Either way, ladies and gentlemen, I present you with Nancy Ann and Robert Kissel.

Wealthy American expatriots living in Hong Kong for six years, apparently the wife decided to knock off the husband by dumping a cocktail of drugs into a strawberry milkshake - something she apparently worked on for a while, including some test-feedings - before beating hubby to death with some metal knicknack.

Okay, with some $5 million in insurance money supposedly on the line, and presumably the idea that Nancy wasn't quite so fond of ol' Bob these days, and she had a tv repairman on the side waiting back in Vermont, so there seems to be more than enough of a motive... but then why did she roll the body up in a carpet and hide it in a rolled carpet and then have it disposed of? If Robert just disappeared, how long would it be before any insurance money came through? Still, hey, she not only served one of the spiked shakes to a buddy of Bob's on one occasion, too, but she called removal men to take out the rolled up carpet with her husband's body in it as if they wouldn't smell of ripening 40 year old investment banker, nor question the weight and bulk of the carpet, so we're not talking about the female Professor Moriarity of our age here.


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