October? Already?!

Sure, I knew it was coming, but time continues to amaze me with its ruthless passage.

Various family items to tend to this weekend, though I'm hoping to be settled back in by this evening, able to read a few more of the comics that arrived yesterday and get some comments written up.

Tim's alerted the Legends group that due to being sent out of town on business the deadline's been moved back a week, which is welcome news considering how relatively little I've gotten done on my next zine.

Still, reading through most or all of my recent comics and getting some thoughts down on them appeals to me, and the two birds with one stone effect of being able to use that both here and in my print zine is part of the appeal.

I see that Highlander's posted a quick slate of reviews for five of the week's comics. Since four of them are also sitting in a stack here, hopefully for me to get to later today, I've held off on reading those though aside from general interest my curiosity's piqued by each being a single paragraph, but I know a great deal's been going on in his neck of the woods, so their brevity may be nothing more than a reflection of those distractions. Only he can say.

I've added The Comic Glutton to my list of comics news & fandom links, btw. This is in part because he stopped by with a comment on a recent post, and in part because I'm fascinated by the thought of someone actually finding roughly 100 comics each month that he'd be willing to pay for. I think at my mad peak many years back, with all the miniseries and a more interesting variety of indies (IMHO, of course) I might have touched the low sixties for number of new comics each month.

Once again, I'm reminded that I should do a "What I'm buying" post sometime soon, even if just to embarass myself into being a more critical reader and restrained shopper.


SuperWife said…
Hoping you're feeling okay, Mike. Busy, busy around here, as well, but I've hoped that conditions which began to bother you early in the week, have been held at bay.

With my short week, each day promises to be pretty rough, thus making the weekend evaporate even more quickly than they usually seem to.
Mike Norton said…
Thanks so much for the kind thoughts. I seem to be doing reasonably well in those respects; still a little off, but not by much. My Sunday went in another direction than I'd planned, though. The reviews I'd thought I'd post tonight are now looking much more like a Monday item -- not that the world's been waiting anxiously on them.

I know you've been the busy beav--er... bee this weekend, though. I trust the party for your parents went well?

Yeah, your week ahead is likely to be frantically compressed, isn't it? Still, it's a build-up to something fun, and that generally helps immensely.
SuperWife said…
Glad you hear you are doing okay. Really.

I'm sure there are quite a few people looking forward to your 'review post'. But, here it is Monday already.

The party for my parents went well. Lucky for me, it was short and sweet, thus allowing me to get some holiday decorating done around here, as well as some shopping and some laundry.
Anonymous said…
Hey, man, Comic Glutton here. Thanks for the add and the promo! I just saw it, and I definitely appreciate it.

I should probably change my headline to say that I'm trying to get on an 80-per-month budget (and eventually trim that down even lower), but 100 just has a nice ring to it.

I appreciate your comments from a few weeks ago.

By the way, I'm THE COMIC GLUTTON, with no S. Kind of important since the URL has no S either. :)

Have a great bloggin day!
Mike Norton said…
Correction noted and made!

Thanks for stopping by.

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