Belated & Overdue

The clip collection of the unintentional self-parody that is David Caruso was emailed to me by Abbygal most of a week ago, though it was to my work email where cruel Cyberlords have blocked all things YouTube. I'd forwarded it to my home email and, today, finally got to take a look.

Speaking of herself, congratulations to Abbygal, whose hard work, determination, creativity and combined forces of will & personality recently saw her offered and accepting a new position with a new department in a prestigious academic setting. Give her two years and she'll be officially running the joint. (Give her two weeks and she'll be doing it unofficially.)

(While I'm thinking of it, a belated thanks for Abbygal & CryptLeak for having me over a couple Saturdays back, and being such fine hosts.)

Congratulation, too, to Darren for being among the winners in a recent short fiction contest by On The Premises e-magazine.

Other congratulations to the harried Tammy for (to the best of my knowledge) avoiding acts of murder despite being given ample provocation.

Best wishes to Lisa (and, so, to Mark also) on the health of their tree, which a local malcontent assaulted with a hammer. (Abbygal and Cryptleak recently went through a situation involving a tree and the thoughtless-to-malicious actions of a neighbor, so there's definitely sympathy out here.)

I also want to note that Tony Collett is continuing his sponsored blogging, which has the benefit of making his a blog with multiple entries on a given day as opposed to the long stretches of silence you'll find on my and most blogs.

Tim's making an effort to keep caught up, though when so much of the week is absorbed in work the time and energy aren't there for blogging, and to make it worse it's difficult to find something else to write about. At least he has his Cubs games for now. Meanwhile, here on the outskirts of Philadelphia, fans of the Phillies have been backing in their team finally having a record they're more than capable of defending.

Elayne has started an in-kitchen herb garden. Good luck!

I see that Mike Leuszler's been keeping busy and is probably currently swallowed whole by Pottermania events.

Finally, I've added a blog to the roll. Bent Objects. Go and be entertained.


Doc Nebula said…
Thanks for the props!

Sucks when you don't get comments for like four entries straight, doesn't it?

Yes. Yes it does.

Trust In The Word Of One Who Knows.
Mike Norton said…
Ahhh, I haven't been posting much anyway, so I can hardly complain at the lack of attention. Plenty of thoughts for posts come to mind, but generally at the wrong time and I find myself with too little energy and focus once the opportunity arrives.
SuperWife said…
Thanks for the mention, Mike. And, you know they sorely test me. It just ain't right, I tell you.

Gonna try to get caught up over at my place, but no promises. I know you understand how life can suck you into a vacuum and it's hard to come up for air...or blogs... I'm right there with you on post ideas vs. opportunity to do something with them.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Mike. You are always a welcome guest; everyone here (2- and 4-legged) enjoys your company!

I can't wait to start my new job; a 23% pay raise is magnifique!!! AND I get to teach AND learn lots of new cool applications AND lead projects!

But--even better--I'm only answering to ONE boss.

Elayne said…
I can't believe I didn't see this feed until today. Thanks so much for the kind words on my herb garden!

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