
Test and potentially feed your vocabulary while helping to feed the world.

Answer correctly and the next word will be more obscure, incorrectly and the next will be more common.

Seems like a win:win. It doesn't demand you sign up or otherwise register nor visit any of their advertisers. Each correct answer essentially generates 10 grains of rice for the United Nations.

Thanks to Crypt Leak (and, in turn, to Abbygal) for the tip!


SuperWife said…
Thanks for passing it along, Mike. I'd seen it the other day (and did a donation myself of about 350 grains), and had meant to send out a few notices.

Not sure how much of a difference something like this can make, but I'm certainly of the opinion that anything that helps is better than doing nothing.
Mike Norton said…
Right, and it's about as noncommittal as one can get. It doesn't appear to attempt to track one - each visit is it's own event - and it likely makes a write-off for the sponsors.

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