Odds & Ends

Quick notes.

The Good Citizen programming has kicked in again, as I'm getting a strange satisfaction out of getting back into the post-holiday swing of paying each bill as it arrives. I'm such a dupe. I'd likely feel better about it if more of the money was going towards buying something rather than leasing something or otherwise paying for services. It's a treadmill that'll only end when I keel over and the moving belt drops me into a waiting grave. (Well, actually, a furnace as I'm going to be cremated, not buried.)

We've been getting more info on next month's Crisis Heroclix set, so I've begun posting again on my clix blog. If the trend continues, not only will the Legion of Superheroes come out of this even better, but the original Teen Titans will be a compact, kick-ass theme team.

At the risk of sounding like a social Conservative, I occasionally find myself coming away from mass media feeling disgusted on more than an intellectual level. I suppose this falls under the Coarsening of Culture header. (Or perhaps the whiny, namby pamby girly-man header.) It wasn't all that many years ago that various women's hygiene products simply weren't openly advertised, but now it's so commonplace that even "Have a happy period" (a slogan that even got a rise of the hackles for my wife at the time) is passe'.

Much more recently, within the past year, and probably really only within the past six months, I believe that (mostly via tv ads) I've had the word "mucus" flung at me more than I'd come across the word in the previous 40-odd years combined. Is this really necessary? Did we really need to move beyond referring to it via the symptom "congestion"? Do we really need to see blobs of self-identified mucus anthropomorphized? Really?

Hey! Actually following the coarsening theme backwards, I see that TCM is going to have that 1975 classic Death Race 2000 on at 2am. Maybe I'll make some popcorn! I haven't seen that in years.


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