The Here, The Now

Rolling, rolling, rolling, but generally just feeling older. At ground zero it's mostly more of the pathetic, energy-sapping, downward spiral same. Most of what's newer is just proof that things fall apart, and that more things go wrong than right. La-la-la.

I'm doing a little updating today. I've knocked out some of the jukebox tracks that had gone dead (though I see at least one of the "good" ones has now gone dead, too) and added a fair handful of others. Adding some songs I hadn't heard in a while, along with some novelty files, including a couple audio pieces that fit into season two of The Venture Brothers, while the Monarch was in prison. I should do a more aggressive weeding so that the mix is fresher, especially since I've kept the auto-play and random settings.

I even added one that came available from Joss Whedon's online media experiment Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog.

Dr. Horrible is a musical Whedon came up with during the writer's strike, which is being presented in three, roughly 13-minute sections which can be seen at free... for now. Come midnight Sunday they become something to be bought via an iTunes download, or sometime later as a DVD. I've only seen part I, though the other two sections are all there and ready, and it's a quality piece showing much the same spirit we saw when he took the cast of Buffy through their musical episode. Be sure to catch it while it's there.

Thanks to Gone-To-Texas Jason for reminding me about Dr. Horrible, btw.

Did a quick pull-together and posting of the Hellboy sequel below, and added a Secret Invasion update on the clix blog.

Saturday we'll be getting out to catch the first showing of the day of The Dark Knight, which I'll try to make some comment on before the weekend's out -- more for my own record (and re-use in an APA-zine) than because anyone's waiting on my opinions. I've heard very little that isn't good about it, but I'm not sure how much was comics fan-driven, how much the death-cult of Heath Ledger, and how much a clear viewing of the movie. Having passed my 47th birthday I know that surpassing any terror this new Joker may be capable of the real fear is facing another 150-plus minute movie without a pause button or a catheter. I'm already having Return of the King flashback pains. Dark pants and lots of cologne, or Depends? Oh, these big boy decisions...

That's a 9am showing we'll be heading for, and I have a few other things I want to take care of before bed.


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