A clearer comparison

Here's a helpful graphic concerning McCain and Obama's tax plans' impact, especially necessary given the lies the distortions and lies the McCain ads continue to spread. (Click on the graphic for a larger image.)


Anonymous said…
Well, Obama seems to be doing exactly what I'd be doing by not punishing the rich, but by tapping into money they don't need to help sustain the nation. I mean seriously, who is McCain trying to fool here. How typical is it for a rich old guy to try and make himself even richer... honestly, people like him who seem to only think for themselves and not for the country as a whole entity, should be shot on sight... but lets just thank the gods that he is indeed, that... old! He'll die off soon enough. :P -JMO
Mike Norton said…
The ads are getting uglier almost by the day. From the sound of a report heard yesterday, in the states that are being seen as being more up for grabs than Pennsylvania, even worse material's being run.

Such respect as I recall once having for McCain becomes an ever more distant, puzzling memory each time I hear "I'm John McCain, and I approved this message" after most of the ads I'm seeing from his camp.

Anonymous said…
I am stuck between shock, and a realization that he's just playing the political game. Though one would think there's a line and a limit that they shouldn't cross... but I fear that he left that point sadly far far behind. I'm not lamenting however, I knew I'd vote democrat, regardless if it was for Hillary or Obama. I'm just sadden by the fact that whom ever wins will still be struggling to fix the mess that was left to them by Bush Jr. thus never getting the chance to put forth their own plans. Hmm... If McCain wins... maybe thats a good thing then lol. -JMO
Anonymous said…
Very big different both of them.

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