Stop. Think. Laugh. Then Just Say No

The dark fascination with how some people have been so mind-numbed as to buy into the folksy tripe offered by the Palin Package remains in mind.

That they're buying into it to an extent that they not only ignore her evasions and prevarications but believe her as a "straight-talker" almost beggars belief. Fortunately, Sam Smith's done a nice job of covering it already, so I'll point you there.

My favorite single line from the piece? "What we got was our first vice presidential candidate ever to speak in tongues."

The kindest thing I can say about those who back her for office are that they're desperately mis-informed. I suspect most of them are simply used to the Fox News/Rush Limbaugh/Bill O'Reilly/Karl Rove "news" feed flood of boilerplate talking points that they hear so often every day that the nonsense takes on a mass and substance in their minds that apparently replaces any need for substance.

The most amusing thing to catch, if one has the stomach for it, be it by doing a scan of the daily talking heads or by trying to discuss any of this with people who believe themselves to be informed, is when they toss around the same terms with the air of certainty that accompanies any, mindless, rote learning. Among the most recent (to reach me) is the dismissal of Obama as a "political construct." It doesn't have to really mean anything as it just sounds so darn sophisticated and squelching.


Unknown said…
You elitist!
You examine the phrases she uses.
Mike Norton said…
Say it ain't so, Joe!

There's likely a better label for her out there, but for the moment I'm fond of thinking of her -- or at least her public, political persona -- as "Ma Hokum."

It's frightening that she's being taken as straight-talking simply because she can stare into the camera with a smile and an occasional wink while lying or otherwise misinforming people about herself and her opponents.

But... you know all that already.
Unknown said…
If we only pause and examine the hype and practiced routines, they become far less attractive- even
downright scary.
Anonymous said…
The most amusing thing to catch, if one has the stomach for it, be it by doing a scan of the daily talking heads or by trying to discuss any of this with people who believe themselves to be informed, is when they toss around the same terms with the air of certainty that accompanies any, mindless, rote learning.

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