Musical Mulligan sub-theme: Concept

     A series of posts are planned, the first of them tomorrow (11 January, 2021). These will be, especially at the beginning, well spread out. Based on a slightly-expanded version of the initial list, I currently only have that one planned for January, two for February, four for March, three for April, etc. If I can manage the ones I have outlined that'll be enough of an accomplishment.
     Rather than clutter up that and each piece with this outline/preamble, I thought I'd make a separate post of it then let it be a pop-up link I'd start each piece off with, for those who wanted the backstory.

Blog sub-theme concept:
      An early 2021 meme image - really more of a milestone/memorial piece - listed albums that would turn 50 this year.
     1971 was the year I turned 10, and I casually soaked in the ambient sounds coming out of mostly radio speakers at the time. Music was largely unremarked background for me. I wasn't collecting records, nor following artists, much less looking forward to when I might wrangle tickets to go catch a band's show somewhere. (I never did hit that stage.) I was an utter Casual with respect to music. Whether to leave a song on or change the station was about the depth of my interest in music. A year or so later I'd be starting to make at first impromptu mix tapes using a portable radio/cassette recorder, which probably sounded like ADHD cries for help (not that that was in anyone's vocabulary at the time) as I'd hit record on songs I liked - so generally joining them in progress - and might cut out to something else before the end as a song got to someone's solo I couldn't care less about.
     Seeing the 50th anniversary list planted an idea, the thought that I'd put the list in order by release date and then do a sort of musical mulligan of 1971. Retroactively cultivating a musical pop culture-savvy 10th year for myself.
     In many cases the albums on the list were not part of my 1971 for various reasons, and while some would later become favorites, most were ones where there were one or two tracks I really liked - if that - and the rest I simply hadn't heard or didn't care much for.
     In these pieces, I remind you of what will be quickly and repeatedly obvious: I have no musical background, and I will likely throw terms around carelessly and inaccurately after the fashion of so many who make me wince when they attempt to discuss something involving physics, chemistry, or any of the sciences, demonstrating that they have no idea of what the terms mean. I welcome any good-spirited corrections in the Comments. Part of why I'm doing this is to educate myself, and it may help someone else if anyone ever reads it.


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