Still, the weekend's coming.
A quick post from the pre-dawn darkness. I'll be off to an early start at work minutes after typing this, and the workday demands will keep me away from here likely until a new dark falls.
Many projects to push to completion today, and at least one potential slaughterer of my day's and potentially weekend's schedule to avoid. Wish me luck.
Though my wife's been having various discomforts all week, she seems to have finally gotten a good night's sleep. It likely helps that she's excited about today between the impending arrival of a laptop (a month-early birthday present) and that she'll be getting together for dinner tonight with some former co-workers she hasn't seen in 10 months. Our older son will be going with her to help her get around safely, while I'll be back at home with our younger son who's been sick the past day or so. He's doing much better, but still wouldn't be up to going out anywhere. This all works well, as I'd just as soon stay here and not be a functional fifth wheel spinning in my own time while the "in" jokes and references - legacies of a workplace I'd not been part of - fly. Besides, I'm just not that comfortably social. She hasn't gotten out for any fun in months save for the recent birthday lunch for Trav, so it should do her good.
Much better for me to stay here and enjoy the start of the weekend. I even have the past couple weeks' comics due to arrive as a pleasant distraction sometime today. Settling in with some of those tonight sounds like a nice part of a hopefully pleasant, peaceful evening.
Now, can I just skip from here to the the actual start of the weekend?
Don't blame me! It's just the way entropy works.
I'd say we should put the Cat in the Hat on it, as he plainly has magic and/or advanced hyperdimensional shunt technology, but I don't trust the sonofabitch. He'll try to teach us a moral lesson by screwing things up so badly we'll want the old Mondays back.
I don't trust the Grinch either. Oh sure, he's turned over a new leaf, but what happens if he backslides? He might steal Saturday and pawn it for some Scotch and then not be able to get it back when he changes his mind again.
What we need is ninjas. Ninjas ALWAYS work. Well, maybe not the ones in the Marvel universe, but, we just won't hire those ninjas.
Yeah, ninjas.