Punxsatawney Phil Emerges From Burrow
Collapses From Heat Stroke

Six more weeks of what, Phil? We're still waiting for winter to begin!

It's nearly 60 degrees around here today. Short sleeve shirt weather... and it's February 3rd.

(Apologies for the crappy photo-edit. I gave myself five minutes to find and doctor a shot of Phil, and my photoshopping skillz are sad, not mad.)


Anonymous said…
I'm up here helping my parents prepare for a move, and I'm sweating in a tee-shirt!


I keep thinking there's gonna be one hell of a payback in late February/March.
Mike Norton said…
There's a bright side to having what feels like the longest spring in PA history. If it's going to be pleasantly warm -- fine -- so long as we don't slip back under gray skies and rain more than, say, one day in fourteen.

I'd really like to see a solid, weekday-erasing snowstorm before we leave winter, though.
Anonymous said…
Re: snowstorm. Me too. A storm that hits hard around 4:30 a.m. and stays kickin' until at least 4:30 p.m. That way neither I nor my hubby can make it to work and I can play with the dogs in the snow.

But, as my mother would say, if wishes were horses beggars would ride...
Mike Norton said…
From what I've heard yo' momma says a lot o' things. ;)

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