More of the miracle of forced perspective!

Back in August I presented some of the sidewalk artwork of Julian Beever, who draws wonderful perspective drawings on city sidewalks that are intended to be viewed from a particular perspective. Here's some more of it.

Here we have some politicians tossed into a pit...

...a shot of a rescue from an inverted world beneath the city streets...

... a girl at the beach...

... a globe promoting an end to poverty...

...a different angle on the same, 40 ft. long drawing...

...and, finally, a wonderful Batman and Robin shot, complete with a view of another city beneath the city...


Anonymous said…
This guy is unbelievable, Mike. I hadn't seen the new stuff. Thanks for sharing!!
Mike Norton said…
You're certainly welcome. This sort of ephemeral, public artwork is a marvel. Now I find myself wondering if anyone's commissioned him to work in a more permanent medium, as I believe all of these are done with soft pastels and are going to be quickly weathered away.

I take it we're each up early, trying to ease into the day under cover of darkness? Another workday I'm not looking forward to, trying to get done what needs to be done then scurry off to my weekend.

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