
I had to pass along this shot someone recently took of Black Bolt from June's Sinister set, and to note that the release date for this set and for the Danger Room starter set is currently June 28th, so we have a very solid three months between us and the on-sale date.

Given the timing I'm expecting this will mean that those of us going to Wizard World East in Philadelphia, June 2-4, won't have a shot at these aside from getting to see them up close in a display case. Three and a half weeks before a set's release is likely too far these days.

No sweat, though. The end of June will be here soon enough.

The confirmed list for the set has expanded in the past week to include a Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker (though it's been shortened over the years to simply "Baron Strucker") unique, complete with upraised Satan's Claw (I couldn't quickly come up with a pic of the claw itself.)

Here's a character stretching back decades. While not authentically as long in comics as the Red Skull, the Baron was retroactively shoe-horned into WWII adventures and so remains one of those seemingly immortal villains. They make make lousy people, but nazis are such wonderful comic book villains -- even if they do tend to be a trifle chatty at their worst.

As can be seen in this panel, the not-so-good Baron passed into the modern age as one of the recurring heads for Hydra - a terrorist organization loosely intent on ruling the world. Clix can always use another good addition to Hydra, though I'm counting on the REVs in this set to provide us with a fun mix of useful lower ranks; the group has too many chiefs as it is.

For those who care, there's also a Shadowcat/Sprite remake in her Excaliber costume and apparently a Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel/Photon/Pulsar, who was a nice enough character as far as people go, but had one of those power sets that a writer should be bitch-slapped for even seriously proposing. We have someone who can turn into an energy form, acting at light speed and - if she's able to operate, presumably thinking at least as fast. It's another of those cases where you're left with a character who's either ridiculously powerful even just in terms of being able to think and act several levels of magnitude faster than almost anyone else or one who has to be written incompetently -- take the latter as you will, it works in either sense. Still, there are fans for almost any character and she's no exception. I don't begrudge anyone their favorites, and she could be a fun addition to the Avengers, perhaps giving us a dial variation on the electric Superman Red/Superman Blue seen in Collateral Damage.

On a clix matter closer to now, another delay this week has pushed the shipping of the Kryptos will begin next week.

Let's see, what else?

The Legends APA benefit auctions went off reasonably well last night, and I'll be getting to that accounting once more of the payments roll in, though the detaisl are between me and the APA members.

New comics are set to arrive via FedEx today, so I'll have the past two weeks', plus stragglers, worth of comics to catch up on as early as tonight. I'll aim to post a little something about comics fairly soon.

Oh... here is another shot of the Wizard...

...and Fixer/Techno close this out.


Doc Nebula said…
Excellent pic of Black Bolt. And we get a Baron Strucker in this set! That's a great big yay! Could this be... the BEST -- SET -- EVER ???

Only time will tell.

I'm bracing, though, for some really sucky dials...
Mike Norton said…
There's not much to hate in the revealed mix so far, I agree. Just over three months to go.

I'm getting used to Seth's approach to the dials, though, yes, they do need some boosts here and there. They are steadier and so more useful on the back end than many of the older, Jon Leitheuser-designed ones, though. In Contact With Oracle moves more from the Damned Useful column over towards the Almost Indispensible one... and if one's opponent's using older, more front-loaded figures happens to be using those same boosts, too... you'll need some luck and to be wily.

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