Ye gods! It's April 18th?!
No special significance to the date, at least not that comes to mind. It's simply that I haven't posted anything here since March 13th.
Well, at least my taxes were filed a bit before the deadline. I managed to do one thing right.
Some ups, several downs, and another month plus ripped from my calendar. I really need to be more careful about such things. My calendars aren't as inexhaustible as I would like to believe. Not that I needed a reminder on that front, but on Wednesday night a member of my usual lunchtime work quartet lost his father to protracted illness; I'm expecting that the next time I see him will be at the funeral, probably sometime next week. (Details will likely be coming through sometime today.)
Thanks are overdue to Tammy & Darren for both a kung-fu fighting singing card and a fine, bright red shirt with Alex Ross' dynamic reinterpretation of the "Captain America Lives Again!" cover for Avengers #4.
It's essentially the image shown here, minus the Submariner-in-the-sky foreboding watermark, with the original logo, etc from the 1963 original.
We have the PA Primary coming up next Tuesday, but aside from noting that Obama continues to have my support and, as we've discussed the candidates at some length here at the ranch, he'll be getting more than my vote out the Nortons. It likely won't be enough to bridge the final point gap between Obama and the tic-like entrenchment Clinton has among the unsteadily aged and the barely-closeted KKK contingent here in the Keystone State, but it's our part to do.
I am concerned that there has been some word that some (many?) of those who were newly-registered - March 24th was the cut-off - may find that when they show up to vote, even with ID, that they're names aren't in place. While not immediately rushing to accuse it on political games I've gotten too many reports of how worthless many provisional voting forms turn out to be - pulled into the shadows and essentially shredded - to feel good about that.
I'd like to say a few things about the farce ABC put on earlier this week, the supposed Democratic debate that far too much of was given over to moronic non-issues, but I'm running short on time this morning. So, I'll simply note that ABC has fallen short yet again, forgetting that a news program should exist to inform, not to pander to the concerns of morons, and to also note that George Stephanopoulos should've just been issued a satanic imp costume, complete with a plastic pitchfork so he could have danced, capered and physically poked at the candidates in a fashion befitting the dignity and significance of many of his questions. While probably not his lowest moment, the "does Reverend Wright love America as much as you do?" question was definitely reaching deep towards the bottom of the barrel.
The frightening thing is that George is probably more in touch with what passes for minds among some of the potential voters who are easily swayed by the degree to which someone is willing to enthusiastically wrap himself in the flag. That Clinton jumped on the bandwagon in any attempt to gain an edge, and made statements that suggested she will either be a hypocrite or would continue some of the current administration's stand-office foreign policy by refusing to meet with even some world leaders apparently because they've said mean things (and so, I suppose, would tar her by association) -- all of it made it more certain that Obama gets my vote on the 22nd, and should Clinton be the eventual nominee come November she'll only get my vote in another of the seemingly endless parade of lesser of two evils ballots, as I could not possibly endorse McCain.
A busy enough day ahead, if plans stay on track I'll be heading to Crypt Leak and Abbygal's tomorrow (Edit: When Microbes Attack! Our hostess has been hobbled once again by the invisible enemy, not Dick Cheney, and so plans are tentatively pushed to Sunday) for a relaxing afternoon/evening. For now, though, it's off into this sunny day.
No special significance to the date, at least not that comes to mind. It's simply that I haven't posted anything here since March 13th.
Well, at least my taxes were filed a bit before the deadline. I managed to do one thing right.
Some ups, several downs, and another month plus ripped from my calendar. I really need to be more careful about such things. My calendars aren't as inexhaustible as I would like to believe. Not that I needed a reminder on that front, but on Wednesday night a member of my usual lunchtime work quartet lost his father to protracted illness; I'm expecting that the next time I see him will be at the funeral, probably sometime next week. (Details will likely be coming through sometime today.)

It's essentially the image shown here, minus the Submariner-in-the-sky foreboding watermark, with the original logo, etc from the 1963 original.
We have the PA Primary coming up next Tuesday, but aside from noting that Obama continues to have my support and, as we've discussed the candidates at some length here at the ranch, he'll be getting more than my vote out the Nortons. It likely won't be enough to bridge the final point gap between Obama and the tic-like entrenchment Clinton has among the unsteadily aged and the barely-closeted KKK contingent here in the Keystone State, but it's our part to do.
I am concerned that there has been some word that some (many?) of those who were newly-registered - March 24th was the cut-off - may find that when they show up to vote, even with ID, that they're names aren't in place. While not immediately rushing to accuse it on political games I've gotten too many reports of how worthless many provisional voting forms turn out to be - pulled into the shadows and essentially shredded - to feel good about that.
I'd like to say a few things about the farce ABC put on earlier this week, the supposed Democratic debate that far too much of was given over to moronic non-issues, but I'm running short on time this morning. So, I'll simply note that ABC has fallen short yet again, forgetting that a news program should exist to inform, not to pander to the concerns of morons, and to also note that George Stephanopoulos should've just been issued a satanic imp costume, complete with a plastic pitchfork so he could have danced, capered and physically poked at the candidates in a fashion befitting the dignity and significance of many of his questions. While probably not his lowest moment, the "does Reverend Wright love America as much as you do?" question was definitely reaching deep towards the bottom of the barrel.
The frightening thing is that George is probably more in touch with what passes for minds among some of the potential voters who are easily swayed by the degree to which someone is willing to enthusiastically wrap himself in the flag. That Clinton jumped on the bandwagon in any attempt to gain an edge, and made statements that suggested she will either be a hypocrite or would continue some of the current administration's stand-office foreign policy by refusing to meet with even some world leaders apparently because they've said mean things (and so, I suppose, would tar her by association) -- all of it made it more certain that Obama gets my vote on the 22nd, and should Clinton be the eventual nominee come November she'll only get my vote in another of the seemingly endless parade of lesser of two evils ballots, as I could not possibly endorse McCain.
A busy enough day ahead, if plans stay on track I'll be heading to Crypt Leak and Abbygal's tomorrow (Edit: When Microbes Attack! Our hostess has been hobbled once again by the invisible enemy, not Dick Cheney, and so plans are tentatively pushed to Sunday) for a relaxing afternoon/evening. For now, though, it's off into this sunny day.