Another piece on the end of Cerebus

Nothing to inform the already initiated, but I know that some of the people who stop by here are either not into comics at all, or are into other aspects of the medium. It's with them in mind that I'd like to point out an interview by the Onion's AV Club of Dave Sim, marking the completion of his 300 issue, 1977 to 2004, 15 volume epic: Cerebus.

Regardless of what one thinks of the man's perspectives on women, society and/or politics, - and this interview should give the uninitiated some idea of all that (though I don't recall him hitherto sounding quite so much as if he was making a pitch for a position with FOX News...) - the man's body of work is a testament to his vision, drive, tenacity and talent, and should be evaluated on and appreciated for its own merits.

Addition: I do want to stress that I'm running just over three volumes shy of the end (in terms of reading, having long ago let the series accumulate into the trade editions, waiting for a better time to catch up) so I'm not tapped into where Sim took things as the end of the series approached. I've read some disturbing things here and there today concerning the changes Sim's gone through. Maybe my crack about bidding for a spot in the FOX organization wasn't so terribly far off the ideological mark.


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