(Today: Mostly minor matters)

Sex doesn't necessarily sell in Hollywood

In this week's Lying In the Gutters (a comics rumor piece by Rich Johnston), there's word that a scene (or two?) Geoff Johns had in an issue of The Avengers, which at the time was defended by Marvel's editors, has been cut from the trade edition. Johnston refers to it as an "aradication", implying that Marvel's Hollywood connection, Avi Arad applied the pressure to remove the possibly objectionable material.

The scenes in question were from Avengers #71. Some strongly-implied bedroom play is implied between two of the heroes (Hank "Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Yellowjacket" Pym and his ex-wife, Janet "Wasp" VanDyne), and then elsewhere in the issue an old villain (Whirlwind) pays a prostitute to dress up like a particular super-heroine (the Wasp) and he kills her. Whether it's just one or both scenes that will be affected isn't clear as yet.

As this is being reported via the rumor mill, it could be a case where they're gauging reactions, too, and the decision might not be as firm as it seems.

While I saw this during my usual trip to Comic Book Resources, it's also mentioned (along with some comments on various other rumors in the piece) over on Shane's Nearmintheroes, a generally excellent first-round stop for comics news.


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