From Monsters Across Space to Monsters of Makeup

I'd known about a general series resurrection being planned for Dr. Who, but today someone (thanks, Abby!) passed along an update concerning their securing the rights to include the Daleks.

Never a big Dr. Who fan, tending to see it more for the comic elements in the cheap stagecraft, it does have its charm, and I know one or two die-hard fans.

Months ago I'd come across several of the rumors of who was up for the lead (Eddie Izzard would be priceless, especially if they let him wear his "executive transvestite" makeup. I love his 90 minute stand-up piece HBO runs from time to time), but until today I hadn't heard that Anthony Head was being considered. He played Rupert Giles, the reserved Englishman who was assigned as a sort of mentor to the titular Buffy in television's Buffy, The Vampire Slayer, and also is one of the quartet of middle-aged would-be swingers on the BBC's Manchild. Casting him in the role of The Doctor would undoubtedly bring in an audience segment that might not otherwise bother with it.

This prompted me to me make a minor search, which turned up an amusing bit of history for the actor... that oddly brings me back around to Eddie Izzard's act, embodied in an image:
Head as Frank'n'Furter

Heh. This was a CD single put out in the early 90s following Head playing Frank in the 1990 London Revival Version of The Rocky Horror Show.

Now there’s an image that’ll come to mind the next time you see “Once More, With Feeling” – the BTVS Musical episode.

Update: Thanks to a pass-along from Elayne Riggs (referring to a posting she put up yesterday -- demonstrating that I haven't made the rounds, I suppose) I've been informed that the Doctor - the ninth in the series - has been cast. Thanks, Elayne!

To be honest, I'm still glad I missed it as it gave me an extra reason for finding and posting that bit of Anthony Head's theatrical history.


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