Election 2004 Questions Continue To Be Raised

Many of us, including Mark Gibson, have been holding back on reports of alleged fraud in the recent election - much as stated back on the 7th - though we've been passing information back and forth behind the scenes, waiting to see if something busts open. Many of us still feel toasted. Burnt and burnt out. Still, the reports are persisting and there's a danger of our restraint becoming part of a forced hush. The bottom line is that if there are any grounds for these allegations they need to be investigated. A piece in yesterday's Boston Globe reports on the story behind the lack of coverage, unsure how much pressure is coming from political sides and how much from within the mainstream media itself, which in general wishes the blogosphere would just shut up and go back to being part of a compliant audience for the approved news stream.

So it is in the spirit of reminding people that for all the talk of the victory for a "values" constituency there may have been more going on than the mobilization of millions of single-issue, often uninformed and misinformed voters, that I offer several recent articles on the topic:

Today, at a 10AM Pacific time news conference at UC Berkeley it was reported that irregularities associated with electronic voting machines may have awarded 130,000 - 260,000 or more in excess votes to President George W. Bush in Florida in the 2004 presidential election. This partially echoes complaints made in a piece by Colin Shea a few days ago.

Meanwhile, hearings in Columbus, OH concerning the votes cast - and more pointedly those prevented from being cast - are potentially putting the 2004 election in doubt. Then, back down in Florida once more, there's word of "stinking evidence" of possible election fraud in Florida, give it a read -- it'll make you laugh and it should make you angry. Signed, official poll tapes of voting results are being actively thrown out by elections officials, and once retrieved and examined they're showing marked... "anomalies"... when compared to the official printouts of the vote provided by election officials.

"The pattern was very clear. The anomalies favored George W. Bush. Every
single time."

Look them over. Think them over. Pass them along.

Some people are already making some noise about these issues. While there's the tedious call for donations in the mix, there's some good starting point information there, including a pdf of a 10-point list of suspicious items that can be printed out and passed around.


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