How do You feel about being an unwitting contributor to Jeb Bush's presidential campaign?

Among the items to greet me during my morning news check is word that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will be travelling with Colin Powell to the tsunami-ravaged areas of South Asia and Africa. Purpotedly he was chosen because as the governor of a state that has witnessed so much hurricane damage he would be better qualified to make first-hand evaluations of the situation so that the government can better decide on the follow-up amounts to the $35 million in disaster relief already pledged. To Hell with that -- send a civil engineer and perhaps an experienced building contractor, not someone who'll doubtless be accompanied by Secret Service agents as part of the help from his incumbent brother to gain a higher threshold of visibility in order to better have his shot at the White House. After all, the family always thought Jeb was the one who would make that run. They didn't anticipate Dubya becoming Karl Rove's lump of clay.

This way, though, ol' Jeb can come back and do this patented double lip-bite of concern, which will surely best inform Congress as to what's needed, eh?


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