
Though due to other matters coming up and consequently a late start, a few frustrations (the modem gave me fits until I realized I should try unplugging it for 30 seconds, after which it cleared up and went smoothly) so it was well past dark when we finished. The new system is up and running, the router in place, both computers can now be connected to the net, along with one or two game systems. Travis is currently blasting away at opponents online in Halo2. (The game and a year’s access to their online play arenas were one - two? - of his Christmas presents.)

Despite having unplugged, replugged and even going so far as to uninstall and reinstall it, the CD drive on the older computer still will not recognize any discs. This means that Nick still isn’t able to run either of his new PC-based games (Doom 3 and Half Life 2) on his computer, so I might deign to allow at least one of them to be temporarily installed on this new system shortly, let him play with it here and me go work or play with something else for a while. I hate having these systems turned into game machines, especially when we have at least three active, game-only platforms in the house, but I can abide it for a while under the circumstances.

I’ll set the new printer up sometime Saturday.

So... this is probably the last from me for 2004.

I'm leaving the old year with only such trepidation as goes with the old saying "the devil you know..."

I hope to see you all in the new year.


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