Treading carefully, steadily, towards the
truth about the elections

Checking in at I started to catch up on things, as I'd heard Bev Harris mention on the radio the other day that they'll be presenting more information late in the week. I see that she's advising strong caution regarding a piece alleging widespread software fraud which I'd noted earlier in the week. She's advising that it reads like deliberate disinformation. While it could be simply an overzealous attempt to make things fit, it could also lead to something like the Dan Rather/CBS News/Bush National Guard service debacle. We saw how that ended up, giving the Bushies something to point at and ridicule while leaving the rest of the media too afraid of being tarred by the same brush to follow up on the legitimate case against Bush. The forces behind nudging Bush into office would like nothing better than to see momentum build behind a weak story so that it can collapse spectacularly and they can declare that any debate it truly over, ridiculing any who refuse to concede.

ABOUT DISINFORMATION: Like a good lie, it has elements of truth. Trouble is, the truth doesn't relate to the nuts and bolts of the story. For example in the Tom Feeney vote-manipulation story, people are documenting relationships between Tom Feeney and Yang, and between the writer of the story and other scandals, but so far the evidence presented does not back up the vote manipulation story itself.

DISINFORMATION IS DANGEROUS TO THE CLEAN VOTING MOVEMENT: Black Box Voting is finding real evidence consistent with fraud. We are even finding, in one of our investigations, evidence consistent with a systemic, or widespread breakdown in security, possibly exploited. Getting the facts is tedious, unexciting work, consisting of auditing and personal interviews, and it takes time. Many Americans want a magic bullet, a single shot that will blow the lid off everything at once.

That's risky. If the mainstream media continues to be bombarded with stories that sound credible, but aren't, when the real thing comes down the pike it will be ignored.


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