Another one for the case file

Some may take this as beating a dead horse, and certainly the people most likely to be fingered by this (and their supporters) want to do everything they can to dismiss it as irrelevant, but that's their interests talking. They're counting on the public having no taste for holding onto anything for long unless it involves a sex scandal. It's going to be the accumulation of items such as the following that may eventually earn the Bush administration it's deservedly dark chapter in US history and should earn them criminal penalties, though that's likely to be curbed as not being in the nation's "best interests.":

A leaked British memo lends more support to the view that the Bush administration had, by July 2002, decided to invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein, and that information was being carefully chosen to fit the already formed (but publicly denied) decision and plan. It's important to keep in mind that this memo refers to what appears to be a fixed course of action by the administration existing roughly three months before the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate that the administration has subsequently leaned on as the basis for their decision to invade.


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