Yet another one for the file

(Thanks to Grant for pointing this one out.) It's lengthy, but this piece on the trail of lies leading back to the White House regarding torture policiesis worth looking through. Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Donald Rumsfeld and Gerorge W. Bush himself are all among the implicated, though at the moment it's mainly their friends and allies who are in a position of prosecuting them or, as you might have guessed, waving the charges off and ignoring them. Substantiated charges of perjury strike me as a good place to start. It remains to be seen if the much-lauded American Heartland is capable of being riled up over charges of lying under oath that don't involve consentual sexual relations, but we can hope for a moral epiphany to strike enough of them.

For now, I would ask that you digest the information and pass the gist of it along. Doing anything about it may take some time -- and there will simply be no getting through the legions of brainwashed and deluded Bush followers who look at any of the allegations and ultimately say "we didn't cut their heads off," as if that's a defense -- but if enough are aware of it maybe one day we could see these homegrown architects of terror up on charges. Or at least out of positions of power.

As William Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International USA reminds us at the conclusion of this piece:

"Let’s keep in mind, there are no statutes of limitations here."


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