I couldn't do it

As with most of Bush's State of the Union addresses I knew I wouldn't be able to stomach the words, the smirking and the nauseating applause from the current, ruling lords of darkness. I'll take it in in text form later, and I know I'm going to be deluged with dissections of the speech by mid-morning tomorrow anyway.

Instead, I did some cleaning around here.

A much, much better choice.


Anonymous said…
Yep. Highlander and I had pretty much the same response. Except, THE SHIELD was on opposite the speech and Michael Chiklis can pull off the acting (as Vic Mackey can the lies) much better than the shrub.
Anonymous said…
For me, it was the Rick Mercer Report and Da Vinci's City Hall on CBC. Lots of prime-time foul language, legal hijinks in and around Toronto that go all over the emotional map as well as that of the city itself.

Seemed a better fit for my mood and mental health all around. At least while I still have a CBC to watch...
Anonymous said…
Oops. Forgot to add Vancouver to that. Absolute sin against the latter show from an artistic standpoint, given that it's set in Vancouver...

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