On a Saturday

Domestic odds and ends. The boring items du jour.

Aside from some food shopping, making dinner, and handling a little email, Friday night passed without note. That leaves figuring out my clix want list and choosing extras to take with me for trade for sometime tonight, I suppose. The trading session's set roughly for noon tomorrow, but I'll likely be aiming for slightly before that.

So far today I've:
  • Taken care of an errand to the post office before it closed at noon.
  • Some more email,
  • Gotten checks written out for every bill on the main menu, dropping all but one of them (I want to send that via a different class on Monday) into the chute at the post office during a second pass. That covers everything due through Feb 13th, I believe.
  • Balanced the checking account including the latest online info.
  • Took the first step towards setting that account up to allow me to pay all the usual bills online.
  • Prepped dinner (chicken) and started that gently cooking.
  • Made lunch (much quicker, immediate prep -- a large salad, a citrus-herb vinegar & olive oil dressing and cutting up the leftover steaks from last night into thin strips to go with that.)
  • Checked the day's mail (Good: 1. No new bills 2. Someone new coming aboard the Legends roster; Bad: A check I was hoping for wasn't in the mix.)
  • A little cleaning around here. (The place needs much more than that.)
Trav's disappeared into e-gaming for the weekend, over at a friend's family's house where they all disappear into mostly online games. I'm letting Nick choose a movie for us to see and I'm afraid his usually good instincts have wobbled, as he's fixed his sights on Underworld: Evolution. The perils of choice.

Among the things I haven't put any effort into this weekend - yet plan to - is finding what "safe" place I put my W2s. I'd like to get the Federal taxes done soon, getting that refund on-track for a direct deposit ASAP.

Coming up next week -- aside from some potentially large workplace unpleasantness -- is an anniversary. It's one of those items people generally lose along the way, but since it falls so close to Valentine's Day and it was over six years prior to when we finally got married we've held onto it and it's our Valentine's Day: Groundhog Day will mark the 27th anniversary of our first date back in 1979. Falling awkwardly on a Thursday I've no special plans at the moment, but I might decide on something soon.


Anonymous said…
Got my federal taxes done and out on Friday. Have already gotten the confirmation back that they've been accepted. Did the state taxes as well, but since I'm not getting much back there, I haven't filed yet. Will probably just send a paper return, instead of paying a third of what I'm expecting to efile for next to nothing.

Okay, we just ate some yummy sesame-ginger marinated chicken breasts with steamed broccoli and rice. But hearing about a large salad with citrus-herb vinaigrette and steak strips has my mouth drooling. I can't EVER get a dinner invite...;)

Congrats on the upcoming milestone, Mike. How very unusual to have a romantic celebration on Groundhog Day. But...then again...we're talking about you. Unusual fits well...;)
Mike Norton said…
Thom: Weekend's going (too close to gone!) too quickly, but otherwise okay.

Tammy: The document search is still part of my now Sunday evening push.

Sesame-ginger chicken breasts sounds good, too, though. As it turned out other things ended up being eaten for dinner Saturday, so the chicken I cooked became the base for a chicken noodle soup -- almost perfect for what became a rainy Sunday.

Capt. Lemming: Oh, there's something almost darkly appropriate about that...

Thanks, all!

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