Objects of Power via USPS!

Special thanks to Tammy & Highlander for sending me some custom pogs - T-Spheres for Mr. Terrific and a Power Battery for Green Lantern - for use in Heroclix games. H had written about them back on the 8th, so there's no point in my explaining them again. A pleasant surprise in today's mail.

There are some more Heroclix bits I want to touch on, but I'll either do that later tonight or tomorrow. I wanted to make this one a post unto itself.


Anonymous said…
Not sure how I got a thank you out of this, but I'll take it...;)

Glad you got them. It's been TERRIBLE trying to keep it a secret!! LOL!! I've caught myself almost telling you twice.
Mike Norton said…
Two names on the card, and I'm guessing you got at least some of the credit for having printed them out!

Secrets make us special. They're intangible objects of power.

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