New II

I see it's likely old news to those who care and hang around the usual information channels for such things, - apparently the news has been out there since at least July 21st (dusty by 'Net standards) - but I found out about it Friday while looking through Newsweek at the doctor's office, so it was new to me so maybe it'll be new to you, too: November 28th (the same day as Superman Returns hits DVD) Superman II: The Donner Cut will be released.

Back in 1977 Richard Donner was filming Superman: The Movie and Superman IIsimultaneously. Roughly three quarters of the second film was shot, but the production was over-budget so filming was suspended and attention focused on post-production of the first film. Various conflicts resulted in a new director, Richard Lester, being brought in to complete the second film. Lester dropped much of the footage Donner and cinematographer Geoffrey Unsworth (who'd suddenly and unexpectedly died October 28, 1978) had produced, writing and shooting new scenes and changing it into what he felt was a "comic book look," distinct from Donner's approach of treating it as a stately myth or legend.

So, what we have coming in late November is, in many respects, a completely different movie from what we've known as Superman II. Joining info from several articles and interviews the film has a different beginning and end and many other changes in between.

As I consider the differences in tone and attitude between Superman and Superman II, I find the prospect of Donner's version of II is something I'm looking forward to.


Doc Nebula said…
Well, it will certainly be worth checking out. If we lose that whole completely aggravating scene where Clark goes back to get revenge on the bully in the bar, I'll find it to be a worthy mod right there.

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