Pol Alerts

Even if I can't muster much energy for such things doesn't mean I can't pass along some items du jour from Buzzflash. Their delivery still strikes me as over the top, as they're too eager to pick up a sliver of glass and try using it as a broadsword, but it's still a good site to hit for a balance to the toadying done to the Bush administration in so much of the mainstream press.

I love that they can link directly to the GOP mouthpiece that is FOX News for a possible October Surprise. Personally, I expect it to be just more of the fear-mongering the GOP has used to gain and hold power, so the painting of an Iranian menace and the evocation of advice about not changing horses in mid-stream, and the ever-popular "We're a nation at war" is all they're after in the short term. This isn't to say they won't make the most of anything that could be construed as a provocation.

Keith Olbermann on Donald Rumsfeld. I also see that Mark Gibson's set up some video links covering the same and related material.

Then there's a $20 million US public relations contract to "promote more positive coverage of news from Iraq." Aren't we already paying FOX for that?


Doc Nebula said…
I just posted something somewhat similar. Mine's from much further out in woo woo land, though, and so needs to be taken with the appropriate grain -- or shaker, or entire lick -- of salt.

Still, with the Repubs polling the way they are, you know they're gonna pull SOMEthing to get converative turn out up. Or, if they decide there's no point in playing any more, something to let them suspend elections entirely... if they've got the balls to go that far.
Anonymous said…
The two of you, me, David Brin...we're all smelling Something Bad in the wind for October, eh?
Anonymous said…
Oops. Right blog, wrong post. Here's the correct one:


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