Back into the flow

My wife had surgery on Friday, and kept her in until Sunday, so there's been that. She's largely going to be out of doing much for at least three weeks, which will make my schedule more interesting. The kids will be out for summer vacation in a little over two weeks, which is something I cannot help but envy. An ending to one set of challenges, well over two months off, and then a fresh start. Indeed, I never knew how good I had it back in the day.

The stress of the past several weeks (not worth going into, other than to say that most of the cause for it isn't going away anytime soon) left me open to a head cold, which moved down into my chest as this past weekend hit. Little time, despite the extended weekend, to really just sleep. So here I am at the start of a four-day work week breathing as if I've been a pack a day smoker for the past 20 years. I'm bouncing back, but could use a solid day of rest without commitments -- which isn't going to happen. Instead I'll continue to work through it, and remind myself that it could all be far worse than it is... while trying not to listen to the voice that tells me it's just a matter of time until everything does get worse. The center does not hold.

Still, I should note that fellow blogger Mark Gibson took a hit on the employment front this past Sunday, which also happened to be his birthday. Talk about blowing out a guy's candles. Living uncomfortably close enough to the paycheck-to-paycheck line myself I can empathize with the feeling of going into freefall. He's off in search of something new today. Good luck, Mark!


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