The push is on. (...and isn't it ghastly?)

As mentioned on Saturday, I expected that this week would see a push for the late Ronald Reagan's picture on either paper currency or coin. Today, Kentucky Replublican Senator Mitch McConnell confirmed that he is considering sponsoring legislation in the Senate to make this a reality. Aside from the $10 bill, the $20 is being considered, as is a half-level coinage of Reagan dimes -- allowing half to continue featuring Roosevelt, and the other half Reagan.

Either way, I expect this to be pressed this week. They'll likely never get as strong an opportunity to make one of these things a possibility as they do during this week of remembrance, when few in public office want to say anything against the late former president.

Meanwhile, (thanks to Mark Gibson for pointing this out) over on his blog, Peter David is taking some heat for mentioning what many of us have been thinking, that the GOP will be milking Reagan's passing for all the political advantage they can. Indeed, on Dubya's official re-election site, they've already turned their main page into Reagan central.

Finally, while I'm fine with leaving people the intelligent option of re-evaluating their opinions and changing their stances, given all of the flak the Bush/Cheney people have been giving John Kerry over imagined "flip-flopping", it's amusing to contrast Dick Cheney's recent praises of Ronald Reagan with what he said about Dutch's policies while he was running the country.


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