As far as April Fool's Day...

I've never been big on observing it, so those who are looking for such holiday gags will be disappointed here.

I'd considered just posting a shot of Dubya -- perhaps that shot from the deck of the aircraft carrier, where he has that "Mission Accomplished" banner in the background. That would be appropriate. Tragic, but appropriate. Really, have we had a government in place before that so regularly provided us with material we wished were pranks? Come to think of it, if they wanted to tell us it's all been one, elaborate prank since the elections of 2000, hey, I'll be happy to admit they fooled me and have a laugh at my gullibility. Can't you see how easily it would all flow? All the good-natured pokes at how we actually believed that this crowd not only got in but had enough pull to get a second term? Can you fathom how good it would feel to find out it was all a joke?

Sadly, however, I fear the long national nightmare will continue.

If you're into the spirit of info-pranks, though, you can drop by Fool The Media for some items.

Or, if you're a Heroclix player, you might enjoy these.

This (non-Heroclix) one's good, too. Click on the various images.


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