Sue her. Sue her out of existence.

Well, that's what I'd be sorely tempted to do if I were John Mason, the (hopefully former) fiance of Jennifer "I was kidnapped!" Wilbanks and I thought it would do any good. Wilbanks went out jogging this past Tuesday night, leaving everything behind, and wasn't heard from until she called days later to say she'd been kidnapped. After police in Albequerque picked her up she admitted that she'd just made it up. She'd just gotten cold feet due to her impending, huge wedding (I figure 600 invitations should easily mean 1200 people, even if some are single they'll be more than balanced by relatives with kids) and needed time alone.

I can certainly understand getting the cold feet, especially in the face of all that (I wouldn't put up with even a small family and friends ceremony, never mind something that smacks of Ringling Bros.) but aside from the distress she directly put her family and fiance through, her fiance quickly became the focus of a murder investigation -- including a great deal of public suspicion. It quickly reached the point where Mason felt moved to volunteer to take a polygraph test to help clear his name. The fact that Wilbanks cut her hair to disguise herself despite having made it all the way from Georgia to New Mexico strongly implies that she knew a big search was on. It was almost certainly just the lack of cash

I usually just ignore these cases, and probably should have continued the approach, but it irritated me. Oh, I couldn't help but note that every photo of her that was presented during the investigation - and there were at least three - has the same, mad, eyes-too-wide-open look.

Chances are Mason's getting or is about to get more sympathy tail he has time for, so maybe that and the sense of relief that it's all over and for the best will be enough for him. Of course, I don't know him, either, so why should I care? Maybe if I knew him I'd be happy he went through the wringer. This is part of the reason I stay away from most "reality" tv.


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