Fast and Furious

Nearly five weeks until Armor Wars is due to come out, and Wizkids is already promoting its next DC set, Collateral Damage -- and it's set to come out in February. So, I'm torn between that being only roughly three months between releases and how beautiful several of the pieces previewed are.

Below are the details as they provided, with the additional clix they've shown us. Above we see Kalibak - wonderfully detailed, and surprisingly looking as if he was sculpted from a John Buscema drawing, then Clayface - looking as if he stepped out of a Batman cartoon, and below we have Kyle Raynor and Mary Marvel, followed by Dr. Midnite. Midnite seems the weakest of the sculpts, though that's a mix of going with the Owl on the arm and the smoke effect at his feet that just doesn't do the trick, at least not in this view. This isn't to say he looks bad
- in some respects it's a more interesting sculpt than they gave Kyle.

I'll note that word from Wizkids is that only three of the characters in this set are said to be remakes of characters produced in earlier sets, which tells us that Wizkids has been listening to the complaints from some. Certainly, with so many fewer DC sets this is more of an issue than it might be with Marvel, and it's been a big enough issue over there. Also, as you'll see in the notes they're adding special object tokens as of this set, which will be a welcome change even if they don't give each special properties. As the game has progressed it's become clear that more than the requisite six objects (three light, three heavy) in a game simply isn't cutting it. What follows is the ad text:
"Title: DC HeroClix Collateral Damage Booster Pack
Stock Number: WZK4214
MSRP: $7.99
Release Date: February 2006

When superpowers clash, things get wrecked! DC HeroClix: Collateral Damage features a cool wreckage theme, featuring debris from the city included on many of the sculpts. Clayface bashes through a wall; Kalibak wields a piece of a car he just destroyed!

Expanding the DC HeroClix universe to include some of the most powerful villains, Collateral Damage packs a lot of power and game play into each booster. New Object Token cards, similar to Bystander Tokens, bring special objects to the game. And Kyle Rayner–the Green Lantern–makes his HeroClix debut in grand style. The set also debuts dozens of characters never-before-seen in HeroClix.

For the DC HeroClix: Collateral Damage set, customers who buy it by the brick can mail in for an exclusive Krypto HeroClix figure. This will be the only time Krypto will ever appear in HeroClix, so make sure collectors know about this opportunity! Also, the New Guy Night tie-in promotion will feature an amazing new Superman figure with a brand-new sculpt, and stats that will only be available at the New Guy Night for this release!

Get ready to create some Collateral Damage!


* 4 random, prepainted miniatures
* 1 Bystander Token, Battlefield Condition, Object, or Feat card"


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