Not Dead Yet!
(Some Sunday odds and ends)

Another busy, draining week left me making no updates to the blog, as you can see, and much the same's been the case with email and most other interaction. It was such a bleak, gray, wet week, too, which hardly helped the residual energy level. Still, the weather cleared up by Saturday and we've been enjoying a glorious breeze through the house since yesterday, all of which helps.

Seeing a crime in progress, I'm going to point out the lack of attention a set of Avengers auctions is getting. These aren't mine - I'm a pack rat, and tend to hold onto originals even when I've since moved on to buy trade or hardcover collections. I just know the guy who's selling them. Anyway, in some very low-priced lots, this is someone selling volume three of The Avengers, divided into story arcs. I know the seller will genuinely combine the shipping on these, so someone could pick these up for a song and not get soaked on postage. Up through issue 27 and the 1999-2001 annuals are finishing tonight, the rest Monday night.

The Iraqi referendum on their interim constitution is a tedious affair and a political football. I have faith in human beings' desire for peace and their ability to adapt, so my expectation is that several years down the line things will be better in Iraq. That's not the issue and, in my book, never has been. My line remains the same: There is no conceivable outcome to the invasion, occupation and "liberation" of Iraq that will justify the actions taken and the lives lost. None.

People are fickle, too, which is why I'm not going to spend much time crowing about the recent all-time lows Bush is pulling in national polls. Aside from hoping people are waking up and will stay awake, there's not much to be gained from leaning on it. It's not much better than being complimented by a fortune cookie. I'm more amused by seeing a Right Wing response to a subset of it being them crowing about how instead of the 2% reported by one source it could be as high as 12% of blacks approving of Bush's performance. Wow! Twelve whole percent? Why, even G.W. did better than that in school.

Okay... several things more for me to do today, and it's nearly 3pm.


Anonymous said…
Yay! You're back!

Mike Norton said…

In between late afternoon chores now. Just back from a swing by the lab for some sample prep, then a trip through Genuardis. Wonderful weather, it's shorts, t-shirt and sandals for me, which made it seem all the funnier to see that almost everyone else was in sweatshirts, jackets or hoodies. It's finally starting to feel comfortable outside!
Anonymous said…
Sorry I've been away myself. Been busy drawing pages, setting up my own blog(linked to my home page! Finally!), revamping the web pages(starting on the Gallery section now, one-third done so far)...


Anyway. Good to drop in again.
Anonymous said…
Okay, now I've read your comment.

RAIN today, has been here for the full week. Been driving me near to depression, to be brutally honest.

You have my Envy.
Mike Norton said…
The rain was certainly tedious.

I've added your LiveJournal blog as (On The DEWline) to the main roll over on the right. I envy the category groupings LiveJournal and several of the other blog structures offer; it would make locating old material so much easier.
Anonymous said…
Thanks much! Still getting used to the idea of blogging myself, honestly, and it's going to be "early days yet" for a while to come.
Anonymous said…
Dwight's got a blog? About time, man.

This weather has been crummy. The transistion from summer to winter in these parts is always a precarious one.

Glad to see you back, Mike.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, decided it was overdue.

Let's see: that's Tim, Mike and Mike, Lyle, me...who else?

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