We're gonna miss her
Harriet Miers has requested to be withdrawn as a Supreme Court nominee, and Bush has "reluctantly" accepted it.
Now it's back in the hands of the neocons and the religious right. Miers may have been a partisan whackjob, devoted to Jesus and G.W.Bush (not necessarily in that order) but she was in her 60s and judging by her dubious grasp of the constitution she could have been handled. Besides, we might have been able to oust her in a few years through deeper investigations of that land deal and general fitness to serve. Instead, we're likely now to get someone the neocons will wholeheartedly approve of. Someone who can be rammed through on a straight, partisan vote. Someone younger and more directed, who will do more damage, more quickly, and for much longer.
Okay, I'm living in the moment. Sometimes that's all I get. So leave me alone, already.
The confirmation hearings would have been a hoot. Miers had already demonstrated a lack of knowledge and understanding of aspects of constitutional law to a degree that she was citing material that didn't exist! (Talk about judicial activism...)
Seeing the GOP panel members tie themselves into knots would have been great fun. Not wanting to buck the president nor someone he's ppublicly invested so much of his esteem into too badly, but also not wanting to pass her through would have been a delicious conflict.