This one (thanks to Dave Lartigue for pointing it out) needs no caption.

I wonder if Jimmy used the "rub my magic totem and make a wish" line often?


Anonymous said…
Heh. Yeah, I have that full story in color, no less, in the Supergirl ARCHIVES edition SuperGirlfriend got for me a few weeks back. I hadn't realized that a version of Supergirl (most likely a test balloon on the part of Weisinger, to see how the concept would be received) had appeared, a product of magic and Jimmy's imagination, well before Kara's own much reprinted first appearance. It's a goofy story, and the magical Supergirl's appearance isn't quite what we'd expect (minor variations in costume, but more importantly, Al Plastino doing the pencils, I believe, instead of Jim Mooney), but I was delighted to discover it's existence... and yeah, I saw the double entendre, too. Mid era Superman family stories are so chock full of this stuff you almost have to assume that whoever was writing these things was having some salacious fun at the expense of their ignorant preteen audience... and those dirty old men really let the slyly libidinous references loose when Supergirl made the scene.
Mike Norton said…
Right. There are some odd bits with Superman seeming to almost hit on her, citing laws prohibiting the marriage of cousins. I know that somewhere in my net searches I came across a collection of panels showing several characters - mostly older men who should have been in more paternal roles - being almost suggestive with her.
Anonymous said…
Wasn't Dick Sprang one of the Superman/Batman bullpen of artists at the time? It might've been him.

Anyway, Jimmy's initials say enough.

Oh- don't forget the "golden rain."
Anonymous said…
Maybe they'll bring the original, magical Supergirl back. It seems to be the time to do that at DC.

Actually, this story, the magical, prototypical Supergirl is a little more devious than her later counter part. I don't remember exactly what she was setting out to do in the story, but I think it was something about hooking up Superman or something.

Anonymous said…
L: Jimmy rubb-- wished her into existence as a "constant companion" for Superman after Supes told Lois he'd need a super woman to keep up with him. No word on need for rollerskates.

...still trying to find that early Superboy comic where a Supergirl showed up.

Good thing we've already solved world peace and hunger.
This is too funny!
Anonymous said…
Had to share this with an LJ community that specializes in scans and the subtext thereof. Hope that's kosher....
Mike Norton said…
Thanks, all for the comments!

Links and references are always welcome, SS.

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