A little this, a little that...

Something's trying to take me down, though I only realized it during this time off.
No nausea and no outright pain - aside from some headaches - but leaden limbs and getting out of breath over nothing. I finally realized my lungs are compromised, with a spongy feel deep in them, taking up a third to half - or at least that's how it feels.

Now I'm on antibiotics. We'll see what shape I'm in by Monday.

Friday (aside from the trip out to see a movie) and through much of today I was resting, apparently needing it. I'm feeling more myself now. This evening we managed some clearing out in the living room today - getting some surprisingly bulky clutter out of the way as we decide where to place the tree this year. The Christmas decorating -- we've resolved to kick the season off earlier this year than happens during most -- has begun, and is now slated to be the main task for Sunday.

I finally posted another set of auctions, nearly all of them Heroclix, though a Mechwarrior convention exclusive is in the mix, too. Everything else is from the recent Armor Wars set, either REV sets or uniques. I haven't done searches to see what the market prices have been running towards, as I intended to sell them in any event. The market will deliver unto me what it shall, and I'll likely deliver that, in turn, to one or more of my creditors. That's the cycle of life multi-millionaire Elton John hasn't had to deal with in decades.

It just struck me: When those are ending I might still be at the company Christmas party. It's likely for the best, as it'll keep me from spending too much of Saturday night refreshing screens and watching for last minute activity. Besides, I can only take so much of those parties and could very well be home in time to see the auctions fall.

Now's time to get some more rest and allow things to seek their own levels.


Anonymous said…
HOORAY for antibiotics! Oh, I'm sure the CDC will be knocking at my door any minute now,(and it's late...I'm gonna be pissed!)but I have seen the miracle of antibiotics entirely too many times. I know you haven't had nearly the same experience with them that I have. And, so, I hope they work for you and that they don't head you into more trouble!

Good luck on the auctions! I think we're waiting for tree decking until the kids are back in about a week. But we've been keeping busy with plenty of other decorating. It's looking very, very Christmas-y around here. Gee, I wonder whose idea that was?...LOL!

Feel better! I mean it!!
Mike Norton said…
Thanks for the well-wishes on the health and auctions!

Oh, I've had many (ultimately) good experiences with antibiotics. My medi-rants concerning them are about the way too many people pop them for short-term periods, just until they feel better (which is part of what leads to more aggressive strains.) Secondarily, it bothers me that too many people insist on antibiotics even when what they have is viral, which antribiotics won't affect. The concern there is that levels of at least some antibiotics pass through the digestive tract and out into the environment where, again, they can accelerate the development of more aggressive, hardier bacteria by killing off only the weakest forms.

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