My current wallpaper

I nicked this from the "Something doesn't belong here" thread - thanks, Yammering Splat Vector. Replacing Toto with the recently deceased world's ugliest dog - Sam - was inspired.


Anonymous said…
Heh. I did a double-take before reading the text here. I had heard the news story about Sam. I kind of liked the one with Paris Hilton in the library. But I really liked the one that wasn't photoshopped...of Dubya in the oval office. Choice. You picked this one for your wallpaper, huh? Freaky, Mike.
Mike Norton said…
It struck me as both funny and well-executed (sorry, Sam) so I went with it. The previous wallpaper was a photoshop of a cat who was on his hind legs, smiling at a poodle he'd trapped in an oven using a sign that said "Free dog food." That had gotten old, so I went with this for my screen at work.

The W ones (there were two or three before it finished)in office were good choices but entirely too depressing, especially out of context.
Wow! That's a nasty-looking specimen there.

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