She knows what she wants...

Ah, those Kryptonian... toys. Do I even want to ask about the helmet?

Alternate headers "I wonder how many D batteries it takes?" and "Supergirl's Silver Age Sex Toys!" but if I have to be that obvious then I may as well give up.

Thanks to Cryptleak for another of these sordid Silver Age snaps.


Anonymous said…
Man, Dr. Wertham would have a field day if he were carrying out his anti-comics crusade today.

Gotta love stuff taken out of contents, like Rush Limbaugh did with all of those Democratic sound bites he's been playing lately, where Dems sound like they supported the war before the war began.

Mike Leuszler
Also out of context
Mike Norton said…
Most of the Dems have been in spineless mode through most of the Bush presidency, so I can hardly blame the other side for pulling up those bytes and votes in the counter-attack. I don't let people forget that Dubya campaigned on the idea that the U.S. stepping in and imposing its values on foreign nations is wrong.

The key thing here (for me, at least) is the issue of how directed by and tailored-to-fit the White House agenda the intelligence was. Claims that this is a settled, dead issue don't ring true to me. If at a seeming time of crisis Congress looked at what was presented to them as "the facts" and fell in behind the president as a unified nation under siege, I'm not going to damn them too strongly for being duped.

This administration's made one power grab after another against a backdrop of fear, declaring opponents to be unpatriotic, ill-timed opportunists. Hopefully enough people are waking up to how much of a formula this is, and that this "war on terror" is never meant to end. Its primary, political aim is to perpetually make this "the wrong time" for dissent while this administration pushes through as many of the aims of its supporters as possible, from the Religious Right to the oil industry and corporate interests.
Anonymous said…
Forgetpolitics; I wanna Vibro-Projector for Christmas!! (Are the androids optional?)

I'm just a dirty, dirty girl...

Doc Nebula said…
Supergirl's had her randy moments, no doubt... her romantic history with Comet the Super Horse is enough to make anyone's eyebrows waggle, just for one. But the real dirt lies in the pages of SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSON, where not only do we see Jimmy crossdressing to infiltrate the mob at the slightest excuse, but we are also regaled with endless occasions on which Superman plies Jimmy with exotic alien jewels and various other powerful and valuable gewgaws, including, of course, a Superman Signal Watch that guarantees ol' Supes will be at Jimmy's beck and call for the remainder of eternity.

I mean, honestly, what exactly does the phrase "Superman's Pal" really mean?

If you doubt me on the Supergirl/Comet thing, see . Swear to God, I couldn't make this stuff up.

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