They say it's his birthday...
...and he seems to be having a good time, but Highlander would have a better one if you'd swing by to wish him one. I dug up something he did years ago -- it was my third choice, for reasons I won't go into here - but seemed appropriately happy enough now that things have turned out far better on this front than he'd dared to hope.

Anyway, Happy 44th!

...but I dance for no one!

And now, as noted in the comments thread, here was my first choice...


Doc Nebula said…
Oh suuuuuuure. You couldn't post the cool Post Apocalyptic Omega Darren cartoon. You had to dig up THAT lame one.

Well, any attention is good attention, they say.

Whaddya MEAN you won't dance? I got two loaded six guns that say otherwise. Er... I had two loaded six guns... I put them right down on that bar... say, Al, did you see two loaded six guns...?
Anonymous said…
Heh...if you leave firearms lying around here, you will never find them again...(see no smiley face here).

Though I will agree, Mike, that you should dance. I've got singles that could be yours.

I've seen that 'toon before, myself. And you're very sweet to have chosen it for the reasons you did. I love how it's all about me. Even on HIS birthday.

Thanks, Mikey!
Mike Norton said…
As I noted, the one I used was my third choice. My first choice was the Omega Darren, and it was even up a few minutes before I thought I'd avoid anything with a name in it. So, I went back, changed the image and revised the accompanying text.

I originally noted that I found the Omega Darren bit more amusing since in the intervening years you'd begun to watch football. I then noted that these mutant-infested, apocalyptic wastelands happen by degrees.

Maybe I'll add that one to the post now...
Mike Norton said…
Always glad to oblige, ma'am!
Doc Nebula said…
Feh. No TRUE Heinlein Woman would ever hide her man's six guns; here in the Crazy Years, you have to sleep with one eye open and one finger on the trigger at ALL times. You can't defeat a free man, all you can do is kill him! DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!!

Wow, I feel all tingly.

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